Accidental Astronauts
Follow the adventures of Cy and Annie and their dog Armstrong as they embark on an unexpected journey into space!
Explore the Earth, Sun and Moon system with a wise-cracking spaceship computer. See an asteroid crash into the Moon. Bounce along with them on the lunar surface. Get up close and personal with a solar storm. And gain a new appreciation of our home planet.

Are We Alone?
Have you ever looked up into the nighttime sky and wondered if there was anyone our there among the stars? Are We Alone explores the tools and methods used by Astronomers, both professional and amateur as they try to unlock the cosmic question.
Grade Level: 4th and higher
Run time: 25 minutes

The exploration of space is the greatest endeavor that humankind has ever undertaken. What does it take to be part of this incredible journey? What does it take to become an astronaut? "Astronaut," the latest immersive planetarium show to be created by the National Space Centre, takes you from Earth into space... and beyond. Experience a rocket launch from inside the body of an astronaut. Explore the amazing worlds of inner and outer space, from floating around the International Space Station to maneuvering through microscopic regions of the human body. Discover the perils that lurk in space as we subject 'Chad', our test astronaut, to everything that space has to throw at him. Presented in stunning high definition 360-degree full-dome video and explosive surround sound, Astronaut is an experience like nothing on Earth. "Astronaut" is preceded by an Apollo 11 tribute show. "Astronaut" is supported by: NASA NY Space Grant, Department of Physics & Astronomy, C.O.V.E., the Upstate Institute, and the Department of Biology. Grade Level: 4th and higher
Run time: 30 minutes

Back to the Moon For Good
The show opens with the first era of space exploration in the late 1960s and early 1970s. We see what that era of landers and orbiters taught us about our nearest neighbor including the discovery of the Moon’s origin, composition, structure and the accessibility of raw materials on its surface.
The Google Lunar XPRIZE is introduced as the largest incentivized competition to date, designed to democratize space and create new opportunities for eventual human and robotic presence on the Moon. We see the engineering and innovation steps taken by the internationally distributed teams competing to land a spacecraft on the Moon and vie for additional prizes. We highlight the human spirit of competition and collaboration as teams take on this audacious challenge.
Who will win the $30 million Google Lunar XPRIZE? The audience is taken through a successful launch, landing and lunar surface travel. The show ends with a stunning glimpse

Black Holes
Black Holes takes you on a journey through one of the most mystifying, awe-inspiring phenomena in the universe: a black hole. Where do they come from? Where do they go? How do we find them? Is there one on Earth’s horizon? Using the latest in full-dome, 3D animation visualization technology. We invite you to explore with us the science and mystery of “Black Holes”
Run time: 37 minutes

Cosmic Colors
"Cosmic Colors" will take you on a wondrous journey across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Discover the many reasons for color like why the sky is blue and why Mars is red. Take a tour within a plant leaf and journey inside the human eye. Investigate x-rays by voyaging to a monstrous black hole and then back at your doctor's office. You will even see the actual color of a dinosaur – based on recent evidence. Get ready for an amazing adventure under a rainbow of cosmic light!
Run time: 25 minutes

Dawn of the Space Age
Relive the excitement of the early days of space exploration, from the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik, to the magnificent lunar landings and privately operated space flights. Be immersed and overwhelmed with this most accurate historic reconstruction of man’s first steps into space. Who were the men and women who took part in these death-defying days? Witness their drive, their passion, and their perseverance to explore in "Dawn of the Space Age."
Run time: 35 minutes

Dinosaurs at Dusk
A learning adventure of a father and his teenage daughter Lucy, who share a fascination for all things that fly.
You’ll travel back in time to meet the pterosaurs and the ancestors of modern-day birds: the feathered dinosaurs. Lucy and her father navigate from continent to continent, looking for clues about the origins of flight.
When time runs out they experience first-hand the cataclysmic “last day” of the dinosaurs.
Science content includes topics such as continental drift, proper motion of stars, asteroids and impacts, extinctions and the convergent development of flight among species.
Run time: 30 minutes

Dynamic Earth
Dynamic Earth explores the inner workings of Earth's climate system, following a trail of energy that flows from our Sun into the interconnected systems that create our climate. You'll ride on swirling ocean and wind currents, dive into the heart of a hurricane, come face-to-face with sharks and whales and fly into fiery volcanoes!
This fulldome planetarium show is the result of a two-year collaboration between Spitz Creative Media, the advanced visualization lab at the National Center of Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois, and Thomas Lucas Productions Inc. Produced in association with the Denver Museum of Nature & Science and NASA Earth Science. Narrated by Academy Award-nominated actor Liam Neeson.
Run time: 25 minutes

Edge of Darkness
Edge of Darkness is a fulldome movie produced by Evans & Sutherland. The film features amazing scenes of places never before seen gathered by key space missions that culminated with groundbreaking discoveries in 2015. It features a spectacular flight though the great cliffs on comet 67P, a close look at the fascinating bright "lights" on Ceres, and the first ever close ups of dwarf binary planet Pluto/Charon and its moons. Narrated by Hayley Atwell, Agent Carter, from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the ABC television series.
Run time: 25 minutes

Exploding Universe
Out of devastating events in the cosmos comes new creation. Explosive phenomena are responsible for the way we see the universe today, and not all of them happen on a grand scale.
When giant stars explode as “supernovas,” they seed the galaxies with heavy elements that make planets and life possible. Some collisions we’re only just now starting to understand. For example, when Black Holes collide, they can throw off some of the most energetic particles known, ripping and warping space as they go. But other “explosions” have profound effects as well, such as the beauty and power of supervolcanoes which have contributed to the transformation of our world into the life bearing oasis we now enjoy. The smallest of explosions, such as the forced impact of atoms, can echo the foundation events of the early universe.
As the universe has transformed into the structure we live in now, even the most elementary particles have endured. This show follows the path of one of these “particles,” a proton, as it participates in nature’s astounding events of rebirth and renewal.
Run Time: 30 minutes

Extreme Planets
For centuries, humanity has wondered whether we are alone in the universe. Now, we are finally one step closer to knowing the answer. With the discovery in 1995 of the first planet orbiting another star, we now know that planets are not unique to our own Solar System. In fact, these "extrasolar" planets now appear to be quite common. We'll explore what makes a planet "Earth-like" in the first place, and take an immersive full-dome tour of several worlds that just might fit the conditions we're looking for. From water worlds to molten landscapes, inhabitable moons to planets with multiple suns, these exotic worlds aren't just science fiction anymore!Sponsored by: Dean of Faculty Office, Department of Physics & Astronomy, and Information Technology Services.
Run time: 23 minutes

Galileo: The Power of the Telescope
Two eyes and two pieces of glass revolutionized human understanding 400 years ago. The eyes belonged to Galileo Galilei, and the curved pieces of glass were the lenses of his telescope. In "Galileo: The Power of the Telescope," you'll learn Galileo's personal and powerful story, and explore how his discoveries displaced long-held views about the universe. Narrated by Dava Sobel, author of the award-winning biography Galileo's Daughter.
Run time: 30 minutes

Hot and Energetic Universe
High Energy Astrophysics plays a key role in understanding the universe. These radiations reveal the processes in the hot and violent universe. It probes hot gas in clusters of galaxies, which are the most massive objects in the universe. It also probes hot gas accreting around supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies.
Finally, high energy radiation provides important information about our own galaxy, neutron stars, supernova remnants and stars like our Sun which emit copious amounts of high energy radiation. Europe plays a leading role in high energy astrophysics research.
Run time: 30 minutes

Ice Worlds
The delicate balance between ice, water and the existence of life has been a topic of exploration and discovery in science for generations. In travels to the Arctic and Antarctic regions of our planet, we'll examine the ecosystems that live and thrive there and see how their survival is connected with our own. Beyond Earth, we'll see how the existence of ice shapes the landscape and the natural systems on other planets and moons in our solar system. Narrated by Emily Watson, star of The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep. Produced in cooperation with the University of New Hampshire, the Houston Museum of Natural Science, with the support of the National Science Foundation.
Run time: 23 minutes

Invaders of Mars
Under the care of Emmy award-winning space artist, Don Davis, this beautifully crafted show highlights our ongoing exploration of Mars. We explore the Martian surface as seen by Earth's various spacecraft "invaders" and use the data gathered to explore the red planet as only CGI can. We fly over the great chasms, canyons and volcanoes, descend amid the ice of a Martian polar cap and are buffeted by swirling dust devils. Blinded by the planet-wide storms which engulf this world from time to time, we emerge to discover a whole new world which is the red planet Mars. The invaders have landed. Narrated by Tom Baker of the BBC's Dr. Who.
Run time: 24 minutes

Let It Snow
"Let it Snow" features a new variety of festive classics from Frank Sinatra and Chuck Berry to Burl Ives and Brenda Lee, and includes a stunning multi-media finale by the Trans Siberian Orchestra. The soundtrack is visually enhanced with thematic animation, special effects and all-dome scenery in the audiovisual setting of the Ho Tung Visualization Lab.
Run time: 30 minutes

Life: A Cosmic Story
"Life: A Cosmic Story" begins in a redwood forest, with the sounds of wind and life. One redwood looms large, until we approach its branches and enter one of its leaves, adjusting our perspective to microscopic scales inside a cell. We see a pared-down version of its inner workings, learning about the process of photosynthesis and the role of DNA. We then leap backward billions of years to the origin of elements themselves. The early Universe contained mostly dark matter, which drew hydrogen and helium together to form the first stars. The carbon and heavier elements required by living organisms came from generations of stars. We continue our journey, diving into the Milky Way Galaxy of several billion years ago. We approach a region in which stars are forming, where we encounter a protoplanetary disk surrounding our newborn Sun. We arrive at the young Earth, splashing down in deep water to visit a hydrothermal vent and to examine the formation of organic molecules. We then travel above a volcanic island to encounter an enriched "hot puddle" of water, in which nucleotides (building blocks of RNA and DNA) may have wrapped themselves in protective vesicles. Once life took hold, it radically changed our planet. Earth's early microorganisms created our oxygen atmosphere and may have also trigered a global ice age, causing temperatures to drop precipitously and nearly freezing out life on our planet. We continue leaping forward in time, viewing the movement of continents and the changing environment for life, until we reach modern Earth. All life shares a common ancestry and common chemistry, all related at the molecular level. The audience is left immersed inside a representation of the structure of life's shared origins.
Run time: 25 minutes

The Little Star that Could
The Little Star That Could” is a story about Little Star, an average yellow star in search for planets of his own to protect and warm. Along the way, he meets other stars, learns what makes each star special, and discovers that stars combine to form star clusters and galaxies. Eventually, Little Star finds his planets.

Making of a Star and Her Entourage
The Making of a Star and Her Entourage traces the evolution of humankind’s understanding of the universe. Discover the long journey beginning with the Earth-centered model of the universe in which the Sun was considered a planet to our current understanding that the Sun is a star centered in the Solar System and is one of billions that reside in the Milky Way.
Visuals were completely produced by students from Colgate, RIT, & Sherburne-Earlville High School: Colgate students - Abi Conklin '13, Alex Crawford '12, Karen Alley '12, Caitlin Grossjung '13, Matt Johnson '15, Ian Dwyer '14, Sarah Byer '15, Brett Rojec '14; RIT student - Alex Burnett '15; Sherburne-Earlville High School - Daniel Galvez. Music produced by Morwenna Lasko & Jay Pun. 5.1 Surround Sound Mixing & Design by Astral Projections. Written by: Jeff Bary, Joe Eakin, Karen Alley '13, Alan Dowling '15, Carrie Burgess '14, Tiers Congdon. Narration by: Anthony F. Aveni, Tiers Congdon.
Funding provided by: NASA Chandra X-Ray Observatory, Smithsonian Institution, Colgate University, Ho Tung Visualization Lab.

Mayan Prophecies
Explore The Prophecies Of The Mayan Astronomers! Visit the Classic Mayan cities of Uxmal, Chichen Itza, Tikal, and Palenque to discover how the Maya aligned their temples to watch their sky gods and used interlocking calendars to record the past and predict the future. Explore pyramids towering above the rainforest, designed as observatories to follow the sun. Experience the apocalypse of the Maya and discover how our fate in 2012 may be foretold in Mayan Prophecies.WARNING: This show contains a sacrificial ritual scene. Viewer discretion is advised.
Run time: 35 minutes

Murder on the Ides
The Ho Tung Visualization Lab in coordination with the Classics department presents Murder on the Ides. March, 44 BCE was the most infamous day in Roman history. It's the day when the most celebrated Roman of all time, Gaius Julius Caesar, was brutally murdered by assassins. Combined with green screen technology and fulldome animations Colgate students, staff, and faculty produced this full dome show to uncover the mysteries surrounding this fateful day. Narrated by Classics professor, Robert Garland.Sponsored by: Classics Department, Ho Tung Visualization Lab, Division of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, and Information and Technology Services

Natural Selection
Join the young Charles Darwin on an adventurous voyage of exploration circumnavigating the world with the HMS Beagle. In Victorian times, many physical phenomena were already discovered and described by natural laws, but life's most eloquent mechanism was still unknown: How could new species arise to replace those lost in extinction? It was time for someone to stand up and come forth with a naturalist explanation of this mystery of mysteries. Witness the thrill of scientific discovery by seeing the world through Darwin's eyes, make observations of the most beautiful natural scenery and let the pieces of the scientific puzzle slowly but surely fall into place. Allow Darwin himself to reveal this simple and most beautiful mechanism that explains the Evolution of all Life on Earth: Natural Selection, the single most wonderful idea anyone has ever had.Sponsored by: Dean of the Faculty, Department of Geology, Department of Biology, Core: Scientific Perspectives, Department of Physics & Astronomy, and Information Technology Services.
Run time: 35 minutes

New Horizons
From breathtaking landscapes to violent volcanic eruptions to the sheer beauty of Saturn's rings, "New Horizons" immerses audiences in an unforgettable all-dome-video experience. Explore the planets and moons of the solar system in a majestic journey through our celestial neighborhood. For the first time, audiences will travel down to the surface of all the planets, and experience what life would be like from those brave new worlds. Our journey begins as we follow a comet as it travels through interplanetary space. On each of our exotic ports of call, real data and images from modern space probes is transformed into stunning photo-realistic 3D animation.
Run time: 25 minutes

What would you do with paradise in your lifetime? Civilization has played a major role on Earth's environment. Can we live in harmony with plants and animals? What will you do with paradise?Explore these questions and how the environmental movement started with our first planetarium show produced at Colgate University. This project was funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and produced by Claudia Johnson, a teacher from Cazenovia High School and Kayla Sutherland, a Colgate student.
Run time: 25 minutes

Raising Alexandria
Twenty-three centuries ago, Alexander the Great founded a magnificent city in Egypt called Alexandria. It was considered Egypt's most important trading metropolis on the Mediterranean and was filled with hundreds of palaces, temples, and glorious landmarks like the Great Library and the lighthouse: Pharaohs. All traces of the ancient monuments have vanished, and today most parts of the ancient city lie in the Mediterranean seabed. We recall the memories of this ancient capital lost to time in Raising Alexandria.

Robot Explorers
Near the end of the twentieth century, we began launching unmanned probes into the far reaches of the solar system. What they discovered was amazing and in some cases unexpected. Now after dozens of probes have been deployed, the exploration continues. New space missions are underway, and many of these robust spacecraft are still operational, beaming their knowledge back to Earth every day. We will pay tribute to these robots who have explored in our place and experience what they have taught us about our solar system.

Rocky Worlds Ice Cream
In this adventure we set out to explore the rocky worlds of our solar system, and some of the interesting features we have found on those worlds. All while using one of our favorite past times, ice cream. From the understanding of that delicious dessert, we can help to explain many of those exciting and compelling places in the solar system.
Run time: 32 minutes

Saturn: Jewel of the Heavens
Once a planet of great mystery, now we know more than ever before about Saturn's amazing system of rings, moons, and storms thanks to modern robotic space pioneers. From its bizarre moons with mysterious features, to the millions of icy particles that compose the enigmatic rings, this is the three-dimensional tour of the Saturnian system that goes beyond the CG experience - it's like flying piggyback on the Cassini spacecraft! Sponsored by: NASA-NY Space Grant, Department of Geology.
Run time: 35 minutes

Sea Monsters
Journey 80 million years back in time to an age when mighty dinosaurs dominated the land - and an equally astonishing assortment of ferocious creatures swarm, hunted, and fought for survival beneath the vast, mysterious prehistoric seas. Stunning, photo-realistic imagery recreates the perilous underwater realm of two young, dolphin-sized marine reptiles called Dolichorhynchops, or Dollies, and follows their incredible journey through waters ruled by some of the most awesome predators ever to prowl the Earth's oceans. Interweaving groundbreaking fossil finds from around the globe with cutting-edge computer-generated recreations, National Geographic's powerful storytelling immerses you in the life-or-death drama of an age when monsters ruled the seas! With original music by Peter Gabriel and The Footnote, and narrated by Liev Schreiber. Sponsored by: Department of Geology and the Department of Information Technology Services.
Run time: 30 minutes

The Seasons Reasons Show
"The Seasons Reasons Show" (K through 2nd grade) Marvin Short, Jake Jupiter, and Laura Twist tell us about weather, the water cycle, clouds, seasons, constellations, and the moon. Voices for the characters are narrated by voice talent from the TV cartoon series "Dragonball Z."
Run time: 25 minutes

Secret of the Cardboard Rocket
The program features the daring exploits of a young girl and boy who make a cardboard box and decide to turn it into a rocket to visit the sun, moon and planets. The characters take along everything they need, including balloons full of air and an astronomy book that talks.Sponsored by: NASA NY Space Grant, Department of Geology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, C.O.V.E., Upstate Institute, Division of Natural Sciences & Math, Department of Physics & Astronomy.
Run time: 30 minutes

Seven Wonders
Turn back the pages of time and witness the ancient wonders of the world as they appeared thousands of years ago. Travel to Egypt to visit the Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Great Pyramids, to Persia to see the original Mausoleum, to Babylon to explore the fabled Hanging Gardens, to Greece to tour the Temples of Zeus and Artemis, and to Rhodes to stand in the shadow of the towering Colossus. We will investigate the theories of how these wonders were created, and get a glimpse of some of the universe's greatest wonders.
Run time: 31 minutes

Space Aliens
From ancient philosophers to modern-day scientists scouring the sky for exoplanets, humans have always wondered who else might be “out there.” In Space Aliens we’ll embark upon an inter-galactic journey in attempt to answer the ultimate question of the universe: Are we alone?
Run time: 30 minutes

Socrates on Death Row
In the Ho Tung Visualization Lab's newest show, travel back in time to ancient Greece and meet the unconventional and disruptive philosopher himself. Through the words of Colgate Professor Alan Cooper, we hear of Socrates’ service in the Athenian army during the Peloponnesian War against the hated Spartans and their allies. We learn of his sympathy for nobles who would rather take government out of the hands of the hoi polloi. Socrates goes on trial for corrupting the youth and defends himself against his prosecutors, mostly by asking questions that make them look like fools. When the jury finds him guilty, he baits them into ordering his execution in an effort to prove the folly of their judicial system. We stand beside Socrates as he downs his dram of hemlock and sighs his last breath. Produced in collaboration between Colgate professors, students, and faculty, "Socrates" is is a can't miss experience.

Stars of the Pharaohs
Travel to ancient Egypt to see how science was used to tell time, make a workable calendar, and align huge buildings. You'll learn about the connection the ancient Egyptians felt with the stars and various astronomical phenomena. And thanks to the time Digital Theater's production team spent on location in Egypt taking photographs and measurements, you'll see some of the most spectacular temples and tombs of the ancient world recreated in their original splendor.
Run time: 35 minutes

Star Stories
People from around the world and through time have seen the same stars but they have seen different pictures in the sky. Each culture has made up stories to explain the star patterns they saw in the night sky. Let the Sky Theater take you on an adventure through space and time to discover some of these “Star Stories”.
Run Time: 30 minutes

Supervolcanoes is an immersive planetarium show that looks back at rare classes of eruptions that have marshaled the energy that lurks, like a sleeping dragon, beneath the surface of planet Earth. The program moves beyond Earth to explore the impact of giant volcanic eruptions around our solar system. Audiences will fly down to Neptune's frigid moon Triton, and onto the ultimate volcanic world: Jupiter's moon Io. On a visit to a legendary North American hot spot, Yellowstone National Park, the film asks: can a supervolcano erupt in our time?
Run time: 24 minutes

Two Small Pieces of Glass
The show follows two students as they interact with a female astronomer at a local star party. Along the way, the students learn the history of the telescope from Galileo’s modifications to a child’s spyglass — using two small pieces of glass — to the launch of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and the future of astronomy. Aiming to engage and appeal to audiences of all ages, the show explores the wonder and discovery made by astronomers throughout the last 400 years.
Run time: 24 minutes

Violent Universe
The beauty of a starlit sky conceals the violent forces at work within our universe. From the upheaval of a giant star that explodes to release its material into space, to a future encounter between the Earth and a large asteroid that is too close for comfort, we will witness the forces that hold the universe together and occasionally try to rip it apart. Narrated by Patrick Stewart of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and the X-Men films.
Run time: 31 minutes
We Are Stars
What are we made of?
Where did it all come from?
Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry, and our explosive origins. Connect life on Earth to the evolution of the Universe by following the formation of Hydrogen atoms to the synthesis of Carbon, and the molecules for life. With expert input from leading scientists leading cosmologists, astrophysicists, astrochemists, planetary scientists and astrobiologists "We Are Stars" presents humanity's current understanding of where everything, including us, came from
Narrated by Andy Serkis.
Run time: 26 minutes

Wonders of the Universe
Peer deep into space through the eyes of the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope and travel back billions of years in time to witness the birth of the universe. On this breathtaking excursion, you'll witness the formation of galaxies and explore some of the most wondrous nebulae and astronomical structures yet discovered. As your travels continue, you'll fly deep into our own Milky Way galaxy and return home to Earth on a spectacular tour through the solar system.
Run time: 24 minutes